Fit{ish} to Fitness

EmBurn who?

Hello FitFam! Welcome back to my website and THANK YOU for continuing to come back! I wanted to write this post to give everyone a good idea of who I am, where I came from, and what I want to do in life. I am many things. I am a wife, a dog mom, a personal training manager, and a lover of fitness.  As a manager of a personal training program I face many obstacles everyday, but some obstacles you would never realize even happen.  The biggest obstacle I face everyday is being judged. As humans it is natural to judge others on how the look, talk, and present themselves and most of the time you do this unconsciously. I have a pretty normal body type, I am 5’4” and 127ish pounds. When girls look at me they see “oh she is skinny, she could never understand what I’m going through because she was born like this.” When guys look at me they see “Oh she is so small she could never understand mass building. She probably doesn’t even workout.” I’m not saying this is true for every person I’ve met, but I’ve been doing my job for a while and these are common phrases that I hear.

My beginning

Growing up, I had way different views on fitness, nutrition, and self confidence than my family and friends that surrounded me. To put it gently; health and fitness was not pushed on me as a child. I was very active and constantly moving in sports, but once those sports ended after college I found myself lost, gaining weight, and hating myself. I’ll get into it in a different post, but when you start to hate yourself, that’s when bad habits start to get formed and you start doing extreme things to try and make yourself happy. I finally found happiness when I decided to begin my journey into training. I really found my passion and it helped me hold myself accountable during my own workout routine. Currently, I constantly find myself trying to change my body to fit the job title that I hold. I always strive to be the most toned, have the smallest waist, the most bootylicious butt, the defined arms.  I didn’t always strive for this though, there was a time in my life when all I wanted was to lose weight and be nothing but skin and bones.

In this blog, I’m hoping to connect with people who have gone through the same things that I have. From feeling hopeless, depressed, and worthless to finding your passion and throwing yourself into fitness and coming out the other end a better person. The physical and mental transformation I made was not easy, heck I still struggle every single day to move forward, but it was worth it to get to this point and I know there is still more progress to make.

I hope that this blog will be a safe place for all of you to share your struggles, ask for help, and know that you’re not alone in this.With the right program, knowledge, and nutrition you can become the person you want to be. Changing your life with fitness helps you in every area of self-growth. From building confidence to go for that new job, getting out thereto try dating again, or even just being able to go out in public without looking in a mirror and feel all the confidence in the world; fitness and nutrition are the KEYS to a better life.