Tis’ the Season to Crush your Goals- How to stay Healthy during the Holidays

Hey FitFam! The Holidays are here, and you know what that means! Of course it means spending time with the ones you love, but it also means less time spent on yourself and your goals. You’ve been working hard all year long, let’s make sure you don’t throw all your hard work away because of Holiday eating and excuses that it’s too cold outside to get to the gym! Here are some of my helpful tips to stay healthy this holiday season:

  • Portion Control- I know the cookies are calling your name, and it’s totally fine to indulge in the right portion.  Everything is fine in moderation, but be sure you are not overeating just because the food is available to you. The picture below from https://healthywestorange.org/a-handy-guide-to-portion-sizes/ describes how to find the right serving without having to weigh each dish you scoop from this Christmas.

  • Make it a Cheat DAY- In the days leading up to your Holiday Feast, be sure not to skip meals in order to make up for all the calories you will be consuming. Consider one day your cheat day and let yourself enjoy the great food and company that comes with the Holidays. One of the tips that I found most helpful came from Lisa Moskovitz, R.D., CEO of NY Nutrition Group on the site https://greatist.com/eat/holiday-healthy-eating-tips: “Feeling guilty after eating foods you don’t usually allow yourself to eat can breed more unhealthy behaviors. So abandon those negative voices in your head, give yourself permission to enjoy the indulgence guilt-free, and then remember to get back on track with your normal eating routine the very next day.”
  • Load up on nutrient dense foods first- If you grab veggies, proteins, and other nutrient dense foods, than you will feel more full and maybe skip out of the brownies or cookies you originally had your eye on.
  • Stay Hydrated- Be sure to up your water intake and limit the amount of delicious alcoholic Christmas beverages you consume.
  • Stay Active- Everyone has their own activities that they enjoy, some ways that I stay active are to run around with my nieces and nephews or going on a sledding or skiing trip with my family!
  • Make Plans- I am HUGE into lists and organization, so this is the most important component for me to stay on top of my goals through the Holidays. Make a daily checklist of everything you need to be held accountable for.

– The first thing on my list is going to the gym.  An hour out of my day doesn’t take away from spending time with my family if I plan it for enough in advance.

– The next thing on my list is to have a normal, healthy lunch. Our family Christmas doesn’t start until late at night, so if I can have healthy meals leading up to my big dinner party, then I am less likely to feel the Holiday guilt or to overeat.

– The next plan is all about hydration. I know that I will consume alcohol, I just have to plan to drink a glass of water in between each drink.

– The last thing on my checklist to fill my time with good company, not food. Be sure to spend as much time with the ones you love and don’t get to see very often. Not only does this keep you busy and take your mind off of food, it also helps your mental health and ensures for an unforgettable night!

I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday season! Stay warm, stay focused, and enjoy the company of your friends and families. Also, drop a comment below if you have any other helpful tips for stay on track during the Holidays!