How to Stay Healthy on Vacation

It’s winter, which means it’s time for people to migrate to the southern parts of the world for vacation! From the frozen tundra to your tropical time-off, your fitness and nutrition shouldn’t slack just because of a change in scenery! Usually leading up to big trips people will most likely find themselves in the gym trying to get that six-pack before the beach time is here and eating all the healthy food they can handle in order to achieve the perfect “bikini body”. Because of this diet change and exercise increase, it is especially important to continue your habits while on vacation. If you go from eating all natural products, working out 4-5x a week, and in taking H2O like a fish to being on “Vacation mode” which usually includes: eating out every night, laying on the beach all day, and consuming way too many alcoholic beverages, your gut health and fitness gains will surely suffer. The drastic change in diet and fitness routine leads to bloating, a lot of digestion issues, and the breaking of some really good habits. So this year, try to be healthier on your vacation! This doesn’t mean spending all day in the gym and only consuming water for your trip, just take a few steps in the right direction to beat some of the negative effects vacation has on your body. Over the years, I’ve been working to become a “Professional Vacationer” and find out how to stay healthy while away from home. I’ve come up with a lot of great trips of how to stay in shape and feel your best while on your Vacay!


Snorkeling off the coast of Maui

The most important thing to remember while on vacation is just to be active! My all-time favorite way to stay active is to snorkel if you are in a tropical area. Snorkeling on average burns about 300 calories per hour according to the Hawaii Ocean Project website. It also is great for your cardiovascular health, joint mobility, and stress relief by controlling your breathing. I found that by the end of an hour snorkeling session my legs and core were definitely feeling it! I don’t do much cardio during my everyday workouts, so this was a nice change!

Also, just because you’re on vacation does not give you permission to eat like garbage the entirety of your trip. It’s the same as when you’re back home. You wouldn’t have cheat meals for a week straight at home, so why would you do that on vacation? You don’t HAVE to come back from your vacation 5-10 lbs heavier than you left, you CAN break that cycle!

Tips for Staying on Track:

  • Wake up early and workout: Mostly every hotel has a gym attached to it. I suggest waking up around 7-8am and hitting the gym with your normal workout routine. Usually while on vacation I workout for about 30-40 mins each morning. This makes me feel accomplished and awake for the remainder of the day!
  • Grocery Shop: Instead of eating out for every meal, come prepared with a shopping list! This can be little things to eat throughout the day, or meals if you have a microwave and fridge! Some of my go-to grocery list items are: Tuna Packets, Protein Bars, Peanut Butter, String Cheese, and assorted fruits and veggies.
Hiking on the Road to Hana in Maui!
  • Walk to explore: This one is simple. Just walk. Get up and explore the wonderful city that you’re in! Walk to the shopping center, or the restaurant you’ve been dying to try. Just stay active!
  • Stay Hydrated: The basic rule for H2O consumption is 8 x 8oz glasses per day of water. There really is no science behind why this rule exists, but it does work! When you are exposed high heat or sweating an excessive amount, it is important to over-hydrant in order to replace the fluids you have lost. This can protect you from experiencing headaches, overheating, and avoid any digestion problems associated with dehydration.
  • Be mindful of your intentions with food: Are you eating the local cuisine and experiencing their culture? Are you just eating that deep-fried mess because you’re on vacation, so who cares? Are you even hungry, or are you just bored and trying to fill the time? Be mindful of your intentions when choosing a dish. When on vacation, it is very easy to roll from one meal into the next because of all the awesome restaurants you want to try. Stay focused and in tune with yourself. Eat the local, fresh food that this amazing world has to offer. Do not indulge in fatty meal after fatty meal just because you can. Your body will regret it later.

Next time you decide to take a vacation, whether it’s your Honeymoon or just a little “me-time” be sure to:

Exploring the Seven Sacred Pools in Maui
  1. Stay active
  2. Be mindful of your choices with food/beverages
  3. HAVE FUN!