My 5 “Must-Have” Supplements

First off, I want to stress that supplements are NOT essential. It is possible to get everything your body needs from your diet. However, most people do not consume the correct foods which is why the supplement industry was worth over 50 Billion in 2015.

In this post there are links to some of my favorite products. Most of these links will take you to, which I am an affiliate of. You are not required to purchase from these links, although I would greatly appreciate it.

Vital Proteins- Collagen Peptides

What are they for?

Collagen peptides are great for the health of your hair, skin, nails, joints, and ligaments. Collagen is a protein found in the body in muscles, skin, bone, tendons, etc. It is basically the “glue” that holds our body together. They aid in relieving joint pain by “reducing inflammation and stimulating collagen synthesis in the body. This may help promote pain relief for people with joint disorders such as osteoarthritis. ” Collagen supplements are also important because they contain both essential and nonessential amino acids. The amino acids found in collagen are important to your body because you may not be getting them from your foods, or your body may not be producing enough of them. Amino acids are important for the breakdown and digestion of proteins and also a lot of functions in your body. Another plus side of taking collagen supplements is “A boost in collagen may help increase your metabolism by adding lean muscle mass to your frame and helping with the conversion of essential nutrients. “

Why do I love them?

These collagen peptides are so easy to add into your diet. They dissolve right into your coffee and are flavorless! I love taking collagen peptides because I rarely meet my daily need for protein grams. 1 serving of Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides contains 18g of protein! They also promote fullness, which reduces cravings in the early morning. One of the biggest reason I started taking these is for my muscle recovery and joint support after my strenuous workouts. I have a lot of knee problems, and this has helped to decrease the amount of knee pain I feel after a workout! I’ve also noticed an increase in my muscle mass because of the amino acids which are making it easier for my body to digest and store the protein I am eating.

Click the Link Below to Purchase Vital Proteins- Collagen Peptides

BANG Energy Drink

What’s in it?

Bang is an energy drink that comes in a wide variety of flavors and promotes “potent brain and body-rocking fuel”. Bang differs from other energy drinks in many ways, starting with what is in it.  One 16-ounce can of BANG contains:

  • 0 calories
  • 0 grams of fat
  • 0mg of cholesterol
  • 40mg sodium
  • 85mg potassium
  • 0 grams of carbohydrate
  • 0 grabs of fiber
  • 0 grams of sugar
  • 0 grams of protein
  • 50% DV of Vitamin C
  • 25% DV of Niacin
  • 25% DV of Vitamin B6
  • 25% DV of Vitamin B12
  • 2% DV of Magnesium

Bang does not have any gram of sugar, but it does still use a sweetener, which is listed in its ingredients. Also, keep in mind that it is a typical energy drink which means a high of energy eventually followed by a crash. One of the reasons Bang has become so popular recently is because of its claims to contain super Creatine and BCAAs which are both meant for recovery from a workout.

Why do I love it?

First off, the flavors are out of this world. My personal favorite is cotton candy followed by bomb pop and rainbow unicorn. Aside from the great taste, Bang makes for an excellent pre-workout. Since it has BCAAs and creatine in it, it helps with recovery post workout along with fueling me during my workout. I’ve had many energy drinks in the past, but none have given me the energy and effect that Bang has.

Click the link below to purchase a variety pack of Bang!

Ghost Vegan Protein

What is it for?

Protein is vital for human growth and survival. The average daily diet should include 10-35% of calories coming from protein. Protein powder is a great way to get in those gram of protein for people who do not eat enough during the day. According to Medical News Today,”Protein powder is a popular nutritional supplement. Protein is an essential macronutrient that helps build muscle, repair tissue, and make enzymes and hormones. Using protein powder may also aid weight loss and help people tone their muscles.” From the Ghost website: “Ghost® Vegan Protein contains 21g of protein per serving derived from 80% Pea Protein Concentrate, 70% Organic Pumpkin Protein, and 75% Watermelon Seed Protein.


  • Ghost® Vegan was conceived to feed savagery around the clock*, and can be used for breakfast, a post-workout, throughout the day, and even before bed.
  • Ghost® Vegan is versatile and can be used in smoothies, oats, protein ice cream, pancakes, and baked goods.
  • This vegan protein powder contains 0g sugar.

Why do I love it?

This is the best tasting vegan protein I have ever had. Being allergic to Whey, I’ve been forced to search out vegan proteins. Mostly all vegan protein come in chocolate or vanilla and are just plain gross. Most are chunky and hard to mix, grainy, and taste like processed powder. Ghost has come out with 2 awesome flavors for vegan protein (peanut butter cereal milk and pancake batter) that are easy to mix and taste GREAT! While I do not consume this everyday, I do have it whenever I am short of protein grams for the day. It has helped me to stay full longer and build up my muscle mass.

Click the link below to purchase Ghost Vegan Protein

Image result for ghost vegan protein

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard BCAA

What are they for?

BCAAs or Branch Chain Amino Acids are used during workouts to promote the building of muscle during weight training, and spare muscle during endurance training. They are great for recovery and making sure muscle does not breakdown during intense workouts. From the Optimum Nutrition website, “Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard BCAA offers 5 grams of high quality BCAA’s to help kick-start protein synthesis with a blend of electrolytes, Rhodiola for endurance support, and Wellmune for immunity support through intense workouts.” This is essential when training with a progressive overload workout program and trying to maintain muscle mass while losing body fat.

Why do I love them?

Being someone who has a lot of injuries, but also trains to beat their lifts from last time, BCAAs are essential to my training regime. The help to promote building of muscle around my injured areas and also help to start the recovery process so that I am not as sore the next day. I especially enjoy the flavor cranberry lemonade, and take this during my workout to keep me refreshed and on top of my recovery process.

Click the link below to purchase Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard BCAAs

Natural Vitality- Natural Calm

What is it?

Natural Calm is a powder supplement that promotes stress relief and relaxation. It contains 325mg of magnesium, and that is all. Magnesium has been known to calm nerves, relax muscles, and keep blood flow normal. Most people do not get enough magnesium for their body, which may cause tension and bodily stress. “Magnesium deficiency can be caused by a number of stresses on the body, including—but not limited to—lack of adequate dietary magnesium, emotional stress, some drugs, heavy exercise, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders and too much calcium in the diet.” Natural Calm works to prevent and relieve stress by giving your body a great dosage of magnesium.

Why do I love it?

This supplement is the MOST IMPORTANT to me. I have been taking Natural Calm for 2 years now. I do not take it everyday, but as needed. Personally, my sleep cycle is not great. I have a hard time falling asleep and then a hard time staying asleep. When I feel anxious or stressed at night I take a dose of Natural Calm and am able to stay asleep at night. It doesn’t necessarily help me to fall asleep, it is not melatonin, but the quality of sleep I receive is amazing. The only thing to be careful of is that this product can cause drowsiness the next morning.

Click the link below to purchase Natural Calm