What is EmBurn Fitness?

So, you’ve seen me post workouts, fitness tips, transformation pictures, and links to my blog posts… but what exactly is EmBurn Fitness? Contrary to popular belief, EmBurn Fitness is not just about social media and sharing my fitness journey, it is my career and passion. EmBurn Fitness is a way to crush your fitness goals by receiving personalized workouts, nutritional tracking, and all the accountability and support you need!

A Little Bit About Me…

After college my life was uprooted and turned into what it is today; a constant cycle of traveling, finding a new job, and then moving again. After a while of this cycle, I realized I wanted to do something different, something meaningful. For the past 4 years I have been a Certified Personal Trainer; working at many different gyms with all types of populations. I wouldn’t say that personal training is my passion, but helping others love themselves and push past their own expectations definitely is. I’ve helped hundreds… for real, hundreds… of people reach their fitness goals and learn to appreciate the gym and also their strength. I found that no matter how many people I helped, I wanted more. I wanted something that was MY OWN. Something that I could make the rules and help each person in their own unique way instead of how corporate policies wanted me to. Thus, EmBurn Fitness was born.

EmBurn Fitness is a personalized approach to your fitness goals.

Consultation Process

When you first decide to start on your fitness journey with another person’s help, the most important thing is to sit down and go through a consultation. In my consultation process I make it my mission to find out everything I can about the person I will be working with. Some important points are; past injuries, past experience with exercise, short/long term goals, stress level, eating habits, etc. Probably equally important to the consultation process is finding someone who is qualified and passionate about helping you. Just because someone posts workout videos on Instagram does NOT mean they are qualified to give you any sort of advice.

EmBurn Fitness consultations are done over email and phone conversation in order to learn as much information as possible and to understand what is most important to each client. During the consultation process we will not only discuss what you’d like to do, I will give you an overview of what I think is best and WHY I think it is best. A good coach should always explain why they are having you do something rather than expect you to follow it blindly. If you currently have an in-person or online fitness coach who did NOT do a consultation with you, I strongly suggest taking a look at other coaches. If a consultation was not completed, chances are your coach is putting you on a cookie-cutter workout program and treating you like a number instead of a person. The consultation process is crucial when it comes to reaching your fitness goals. No two people are the same.

Personalized Workouts

My favorite part of EmBurn Fitness is my workout programs (of course!). When you are a part of EmBurn Fitness, you will receive 3-4 workouts a week (number varies based on your consultation). These workouts are specific to your goals, both short and long term. EmBurn Fitness uses a workout tracker and instructional picture sheets.

EmBurn Fitness Tracker

The workout tracker works as a form of training periodization. The workout tracker is set up for a 6 week program in which you complete the set workouts. After the 6 week program has been completed, you will move onto a more in depth, intense 6 week program. This makes it so that your muscles are constantly working in new ways. For 6 weeks your muscles will build as strong as possible in the movements you are given, after that they will be tested and strengthen in new movements.

EmBurn Fitness also focuses on progressive overload. During your program you will be pushed to consistently up the weight you are using. When you lift more weight, your muscles are forced to exert more, therefore building strength and muscle. Muscle is a metabolic tissue, so the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn throughout the day. Increasing strength and muscle can help reduce body fat.

Instructional Picture Sheets

Along with the workout tracker, you also receive picture sheets. The pictures help to teach form and also teach what equipment to use. The picture sheets show 2 pictures for each exercise; one at the beginning of the movement and one at the end of the movement. If at anytime a client is wondering about form or equipment, they have access to their coach to get clarification and helpful videos.

Nutritional Guidance

Recently, EmBurn Fitness added nutrition to the program. As a NASM Certified Nutritional Specialist, I can help teach about different food sources and what they help our bodies do. I can make suggestions on meals and macro plans to help reach your fitness goals. With EmBurn Fitness you receive a macro tracker where you are able to track your protein, fat, and carb intake. Your macros will be discussed in your fitness consultation, and are set based on your weight/height/age, goals, and past experiences with food. EmBurn Fitness uses MyFitnessPal to record foods and to get your daily macro results. From their you will enter your grams into the EmBurn Fitness tracker, along with other information, in order to see patterns in your results.

Motivation and Accountability

When you think about an online coach, you might feel like it would be less interactive and contain less communication. This is FALSE. When you have an in-person trainer, you have them for your session. After you 1 or 2 sessions a week you don’t see them or talk to them most of the time and you are on your own for the rest of the week. With an online coach, and more specifically, with EmBurn Fitness, you have 24/7 access to your coach. I reply to emails, texts, and phone calls 7 days a week and offer as much help and support as a client needs. When you are a part of EmBurn Fitness you also have access to a private Facebook group of other clients. This helps build a sense of community and also accountability.

The awesome thing about an online coach is that I know what each of my clients is working towards and what they need help with. Some people require a daily check in, while other require a motivational email every now and then. You get to help your clients in the way that they need and you get to be there for them whenever they feel weak. You want to binge eat or drink? Text me. I’ll remind you of your goals. You don’t feel like working out? Email me. I’ll let you know what your options are and help you recall why you started this journey. No matter what you need, I’m there. I’m not on an hourly schedule, I’m on YOUR schedule.

How to Get Started:

If you’ve made it this far in my blog post and you’re thinking, “Personalized programs, nutritional help, accountability, that’s what I need” then GREAT! Email me at Emburnfitness@gmail.com to start the consultation process and make sure we get you on the right program. If you’re skeptical, email me or reach out, I’d love to answer your questions and understand your goals. The most important thing is that when it comes to your fitness journey, you have a CERTIFIED professional who understands what you need and is willing to help.

Email: Emburnfitness@gmail.com