Dealing with Stress Through Self-Care

Stress can come from anywhere; your job, your relationships, staying active, trying to fit everything into 24 hours…literally anywhere. So, when stress hits and we become overwhelmed, what are some things we can do to bring ourselves back? Instantly I think of self-care. Self-Care refers to the actions you take to preserve or improve your own health. When you work on improving your overall health, stress can subside and you can get back to your regular life and also learn more about yourself. Self-care truly does teach you about yourself. You learn what pushes your buttons, you learn what calms you, you learn what you need in order to be successful with your overall state of health.

So, how do you learn what self-care actions to take to deal with your stress? If you’re not part of the elite group of people who have their sh** figured out, it’s ok! In this post we will look at specific self-care tactics that will be sure to help in your times of need. Self-care has to be practiced and become a habit, just like many other things in life. Sometimes the easiest form of self care is just “being”. This means that instead of the “go,go,go” mentality, you sit back and just be. Being present will allow you to live in the moment, realize what is happening, and slowly transition you to finding a solution. Once you get out of the “go, go, go” mentality where you are frantically building anxious thought upon anxious thought, you can start finding a solution.

When you feel stressed, there are several different self-care pathways you can go down to help and alleviate your strain and tension. These pathways include; sensory, mental growth, spiritual, emotional, physical, social, mental growth, and pleasure.


You have 5 senses; sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. When you focus on these 5 sense, you are able to bring yourself back to the present in stressful situations. When you feel like your head is spinning out of control with anxious thoughts and worries, focus on any of the 5 senses, or all of them, to remind yourself that your perception may not be your reality.

Here are some suggestions on how to play into the sensory pathway of self-care when you are becoming overwhelmed:

  • Read a book
  • Look up at the sky
  • Watch a movie
  • Breathe in fresh air
  • Light a candle
  • Cuddle with your pet or loved one
  • Pay attention to your breathing
  • Lay under a cozy blanket
  • Listen to music
  • Listen to running water
  • Get out in nature and take in the sounds/smells/sights


To be completely transparent, this is the one pathway I have a hard time buying into. Being that I am not a very religious person, my version of spirituality is a bit different than others. I view spirituality as more of getting in touch with my values and what is important to me. It’s thinking about what I am grateful for and feeling in tune with my life and calm. Some suggestions for spiritual pathway activities in regards to self-care include:

  • Attending church
  • Meditation
  • Listing what you are grateful for
  • Being in nature
  • Journal
  • Attend therapy


When it comes to stress, emotions run HIGH. It is hard to sort through them, know which ones are valid, and know which ones are simply a knee-jerk reaction. Here are some tips to dealing with emotions during stress.

  • Acknowledge all thoughts, but do not act on them
  • Journal
  • Cry when you need to cry
  • Feel your emotions
  • Be in a safe space to be yourself
  • Have someone to confide in


The physical pathway of self-care is near and dear to my heart. I believe that movement is the best medicine. It does wonders with your hormones, and also make you feel good about being active and moving forward. When you are engaging in a physical activity, it is especially hard to listen to your mental banter. When you focus on movement, your mind becomes quieted and the anxious thoughts become clouded with the attention taken off of them. Whatever you do for the physical pathway, get your body moving. Here are some suggestions:

  • Go to the gym
  • Go for a walk
  • Yoga
  • Take a fitness class
  • Dance
  • Go for a bike ride

Mental Growth

Working on your mental growth can help to boost your spirits by gaining self-confidence. This could look like completing a task you’ve been putting off, or challenging your brain by engaging in activities. Here are some suggestions:

  • Make a list
  • Organize your calendar
  • Play a challenging game
  • Clean
  • Try a new activity
  • Read


The pleasure pathway is probably one of the most used pathways when coping with stress, and also one of the most individualized. In the pleasure pathway, you engage in an activity that you enjoy. Here are some suggestions:

  • Go on a walk
  • Take yourself out to eat
  • Walk your dogs
  • Complete an arts & crafts project
  • Take a bath
  • Get your nails done
  • Head to the gym
  • Journal

There are many other ways to practice self-care during times of stress that are not listed, but this is a great start to helping find out what works for you. Once you find an activity that works for you to quiet your mind and bring yourself back from the trenches, hold onto it. Try out a couple of different activities from each pathway to build a list of activities you can complete when needed. There is not a one-size fits all answer to self care or stress, and it will take work on your end, but it’s worth it! So next time you feel that chaotic fog in your mind and the stress keeps piling on, remember self care. Remember all the things you can do for yourself and remember that you are the ONLY one that can take care of your overall health.