The Ultimate Guide to Working Out From Home

Welcome to my Ultimate Guide for working out at home. This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart, because I understand there are a lot of challenges to overcome when it comes to working out. Not everyone is able to work out in a gym setting. So, why would working out from home be a better option for some people? Let’s look at the most common reasons why someone would choose to workout at home:

  • Convenience- Working out from home is the most convenient option there is. It is located in the place you spend the most time! Working out at home cuts out all need for driving, and the need to move around your schedule. If the only time you have is 11pm or 4am, that’s okay! Walk on down to your home-gym area and get to work! Working out at home is great for someone with a busy and ever-changing schedule, or for people who have kids and are unable to find child care every time they want to leave the house.
  • Comfort- Working out from home is the definition of comfortable. You don’t have to worry about what you’re wearing or what you look like…no one will see or judge you. This is also great from people suffering from gym anxiety, which is very common. If you have any confidence issues when it comes to the over-crowded gym, you can let your worries subside while you exercise from the comfort of your own home.
  • Practical- Working out from home is more practical for some people. Furnishing your own workout area is cheaper than paying a monthly gym fee, AND you get to decide the equipment that goes in it! It’s like having your own personal gym that is tailored to your goals and needs. The one-time fee of equipment is far less than gym fees.

Before you decide if working out from home is the right path for you and your goals, take a look at exactly what working out from home requires as far as space, equipment, plan, and self- accountability.


When it comes to working out at home, the very first thing you need is a space. When choosing a space for your at home workouts, it’s important that you use the same space every time. This will help you to get into a steady routine and help cut out distractions. There are many other keys to making sure your workout space is perfect for you such as size, floors/walls, and location.

One size does not fit all

Not every person will need the same amount of space to workout in. The space you need really depends on what type of workout you will be doing. If you plan to use body weight or light dumbbells, a small section of a room will be fine for you. If you’re planning on using barbells or TRX bands, you will need a larger area to fit a bench and also a spotter when it comes time to lift heavier.

There are basically 2 types of spaces people usually have for working out at home: shared space, or separate space. Personally, I prefer separate space; which would be defined as being a room dedicated to your fitness. I find that for the way I train, I would need ample space for barbells, dumbbells, cables, and plyometric exercises. I also would prefer a separate space because I am always looking for new equipment to add to my routine! Shared space is defined as an area in an already-used room. Most of the time this is what people find themselves using. Shared space to workout is great for using bodyweight, or using an exercise videotape to go through your workouts. No matter what, be sure to look at the type of routines you wish to do before deciding on the space to workout in.

Customization is key

Your at-home workout space is not going to look like anyone else’s, and it shouldn’t. Find things that motivate you and have them nearby your area. If you’re working on proper form, install a mirror or two so you can see yourself. If you will be lifting heavy weight, be sure to have the proper padding on the floor, and possible soundproof for your walls. Make it your space. Make it someplace YOU want to be. In order to stay motivated, it’s important that your workout area is a reflection of what you want to be achieving.

Separation of Home and Work

When it comes to your workout area, the most important thing is that you separate your workouts from your home life. One of the biggest problems people have with working out at home is that they lose motivation quickly. This could be because you’re trying to do you push-ups and squats in the same place you binge watch The Office every night. There needs to be a separation of your home routine from where you go to crush your fitness goals. It’s so easy to look at that couch and be swayed to take a longer rest and sink in for a bit.

You also want your workout space to be separated from your daily life because of distractions. Picture this…you’re in the middle of your downward dog pose and through your legs you see that huge pile of dishes you’ve been meaning to clean. Those dishes aren’t looking for intimidating now, are they? You’d much rather clean than be working out and getting sweaty… You see where I’m going with this? Your space must be distraction free.


When you’re working out at home, your equipment is going to be directly related to the routine you’ve chosen to follow. Below I have given links to cheap, home-workout friendly options for equipment.

Yoga Mats & Padding

Flooring- Walmart: $25.99 for 48 sq ft
Walmart: $11.99


Walmart: $59.99

You will most likely require a mirror when it comes to working out at home. This will help learn and check form. The mirror should be full length, and wide enough to see your body when your arms are out straight. A full length mirror is also great for taking progress pictures.


Amazon: $299.99

The amount of dumbbells you need really depends on your plan and abilities. This set of Weider dumbbells is a great starting place. It comes with a rack and dumbbells at 10lbs, 15lbs, 20lbs, 25lbs, and 30lbs. From there, you can buy additional weights separately.

Resistance Bands

Amazon: $22.99

These are my go-to resistance bands. They come with varying degrees of resistance, and also have the ability to be clipped together for added weight. The comes with handles, ankle attachments, and a door stop attachment.

Walmart: $31.00

TRX Bands

TRX Bands, or suspension bands are great for working every part of your body. They are a versatile means of exercise that requires hanging the straps from a sturdy hook or bar, preferably from the ceiling. Use caution while using these. Suspension training can be used for upper body, core, or lower body and uses body weight as a resistance.


Walmart: $61.00

If you are working with dumbbells, it is important you have access to a bench. Using a bench will allow you to hit different angles, and will increase the amount of different exercises you can be doing. The important thing with a bench is that it can hold your weight, and that it can adjust from flat to incline.

Other Equipment

Obviously, there are other pieces of equipment that I have not mentioned. There are an INFINITE number of products that people use. The above pieces are things that I believe to be the most important and most commonly used in at home workout. Some examples of advanced equipment would be a power rack, barbell and plates, cable machine, pushing sled, battle ropes, etc. When it comes to purchasing these types of equipment for you home, it does not come cheap. Unless it is your desire to have a complete stay-at-home gym, I would recommend purchasing a gym membership to save yourself to cost and space.

Plan of Attack

So, now you have all the information you need to workout from home, now you just need a plan. You should have a calendar where you can plan the days you will be working out. This will help to make sure you keep your fitness a priority, and also give your life at home a bit more structure. You should also have a written workout plan. This could be from an online source, a video, or a trainer (ahem….). Either way, having a plan that is set in stone is the BEST WAY to hold yourself accountable and stay on track.

If you are ready to start working out from home but have no idea where to start, contact a competent coach. They will be able to give you a routine that fits your goals, time, and abilities. They will take care of all planning, all you need to do is show up and give it your best! Finding a trainer is the next best way to stay on track. Working out from home comes with its own set of temptations and distractions, having a coach to check in with and hold you accountable DOES make a difference. Not all coaches are considered equal when it comes to knowledge and worth, be sure to find the right coach for you!

The final thing to remember is that your goal begins with you, and it will be achieved by you. All of the material can be handed to you to improve your life, but it’s your choice to put it into action and do the necessary work. Working out at home CAN get you where you want to be, but first you need to commit and go through these steps to set yourself up for success.

Remember, you must have:

  • The Space
  • The Equipment
  • The Plan

With these 3 things set in place, you have what you need for success!