Name: Kelsey Rehome, MA
Age: 31

Occupation: Pre-Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor/Therapist & Psychometrist

Location: Inver Grove Heights, MN

Me and My "Sensitive Body"

My fiancé and I have a running bit about “my little sensitive body.” Often said in sarcasm, but in all honesty, I DO have a sensitive body. I am always the 1% to have a negative reaction to medication, whatever goes into my body-like clockwork- affects me two days later; I bruise like a peach, I have crazy mood swings which are often the result of a lack of something (water, food, salt, sugar), I am sensitive to soaps, chemicals, and gluten; the list goes on and on. In short: the SMALLEST thing can cause havoc on my body and brain. All this to say after 31 years in this body, I have become acutely aware of my strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement.

All of this is very important information if you want to full, nitty gritty, of what brought me to my current fitness/wellness journey with Emily.

I have never been the “athlete.” I am clumsy, uncoordinated, and too emotional. Physical activity and working out, quite literally, HURT my body. I am not being dramatic, it actually pains me in odd ways to be physically active. Que in, my sensitive body. So, as much as I’ve tried in the past, I never can stick to a workout plan. That workout high everyone raves about? Yea, no. Never. The mental release and reward of a hard sweat? Not this girl. The adrenaline rush some get from going to the gym? Heck, no. Honestly, I would rather sit in a crowded room of clowns with noise makers and kazoos than go to a gym. But here I am at 31, thinking to myself, “something had to change, this can’t be the ONLY way, right?”

Diving into My Future

Let’s be real: I am at the age where things “start slipping” and you can start chalking up odd aliments to “old age” and “well, it was only a matter of time, this same thing happened to my mom/dad at my age.” Add in being blessed with a “sensitive body,” and an overactive imagination, medical/physical concerns have become a constant trigger for my anxiety. And no, not the trendy kind of anxiety, like real, full blown, been diagnosed by a professional, take medication for it, anxiety. 

I am going to be 32 this year and planning a wedding for next year. Yes, I want a banngin’ wedding bod, but that’s not the only thought lurking behind this new found fit lifestyle. I also want to have babies someday! Not only do I want to make sure those babies come out as healthy as can be, I want to make sure I am as healthy as can be to care for them. I don’t want to miss out on adventures with them because, “Mama’s back hurts,” or “Mama is too tired.” In addition, did you know if you are 35 or older, and pregnant, you are considered in the medical world to be having a “geriatric pregnancy?” Basically medical professionals are saying, “you’re old, your baby is 1 million more times at risk for a bad pregnancy because you didn’t just pop a baby out two years earlier.” However, that monstrosity is another story for another day. Needless to say, at the present moment, now was the time, if ever, to make my physical health a priority.

Where Do I Go From Here?

Bringing it back to the beginning, I knew myself and I KNEW I would not be able to stick to a workout schedule on my own because it fucking sucks! I KNEW I would give up in a couple weeks. Alone, I didn’t have the skills, knowledge, or motivation to follow through. So why set myself up for failure? Why put myself through hell for a couple weeks, just to have it poof into thin air? Plus, if I am going to choose to put myself into a physically painful situation, I want it to be worth something! Am I right? I knew, to set myself up for success, I needed accountability, guidance, and an individually curated plan. 

As a practicing clinical mental health counselor (therapist), I preach to my client’s everyday about the power of a positive mindset. So if I know my “sensitive body” and I are not like everyone else, that one size does not fit all; why put myself in a situation where I am inviting those automatic, negative thoughts into my brain space? Why try, again, for something I already know is going to end in failure? So I can feel bad about myself and perpetuate my already negative self-image? No. I was not going to actively and mindfully choose that for myself again. Something had to change. This time HAD to be different.

Now Entering: EmBurn Fitness

So, I signed on to start working out with EmBurn Fitness. I knew Emily had the skills, knowledge, and passion for fitness and, more importantly to me, an overall positive well-being. I knew I could lean on her for guidance, explanation, and originality. And, if I am being 100% transparent, the biggest draw for me, what set Emily apart from all those other fad diets, get thin quick teas, and insta models; her radical realness and acceptance of herself. 

Emily wasn’t pretending to be something she was not. Emily’s honesty about her own struggles, her no-bullshit, no-sugar coating, no-fluffy filtered pictures; made her relatable and “normal.” I didn’t (and still don’t) look at her pictures and immediately feel bad about myself like I do with others you see on social media. I look at her pictures and think, “damn, she has put in A LOT of hard work.” I wanted someone on my team who would put just as much hard work into me and my well-being, as they did themselves. I knew her dedication and commitment is what was going to get me through those really hard moments, the cravings, the failures, the bad days, and everything in between. 

I knew Emily was a “diamond in the rough” before formally starting with her as my training coach. However, I had no idea how valuable she truly was as a coach, mentor, and friend until our virtual sessions started. I was blown away by her knowledge, patience, encouragement, honesty, and empowerment. Despite being states away, it was as if she was in the room with me. Not only did she promptly make me an individualized workout plan, she also took the time to show me each specific exercise. With ease, and almost instantaneously, she could see how to tweak my posture, form, or the overall exercise to better accommodate my body’s limitations and capabilities. She incorporated curated meal plans designed specifically for me and my unique needs. She was there day and night to answer my questions, talk me off a craving ledge, and motivate me to keep going. She listened to me. If a set was “too much” she would follow my lead, letting me take the reps in smaller sets (which seemed more attainable to my brain), patient with me while I struggled, but encouraging me until I ultimately completed our goal.

She combined our two worlds, our two different styles of exercise, and made it into one cohesive, team-based, plan.

The Moment That Changed Everything

The moment that truly sealed the deal, where I knew I had drank the “EmBurn Kool-aid,” was when I had a particularly hard evening with a client. I was up to the wee hours of the morning, talking to them about their suicidal thoughts and idealization. I was scheduled to have a video session with Emily the next morning, which at this point, was in just a few hours. I was exhausted; emotionally, physically, compassionately, and I had very little left to give.  I had texted her and warned her of the situation, and was met with kindness, understanding, and flexibility to reschedule. Yet, I felt like if I was going to cancel on her, I would only be perpetuating the low mood I was already in. 

I was afraid if I cancelled this one time, I would have “broke the seal” and been more inclined to do so in the future. I decided, instead of taking the out that she so graciously gave me, I wanted to do our session. I wanted to move the negativity, sadness, and exhaustion out of my brain and body. I was going to do this, even though I wasn’t at my best. Let me tell you, SHE SHOWED UP!

She showed up that morning in a way I had never seen her before. She was soft, empathetic, and enduring. Her coaching demeanor was easygoing, smooth, and caring. She pushed, but in a way that showed she wanted this for me, not for her. She let me talk more than usual, take more breaks than usual, and effortlessly kept the mood upbeat and light. She was my therapist that morning. 

For Those of You On the Fence...

This is just 6 weeks of working with Emily. Using my custom workouts, meal plans, and other tools.

I am fully aware that my current successes are all attributable to Emily and her training style. She has given me the tools to succeed. She has changed the way I think about exercise, nutrition, and self-image. She is (and still is) giving me the tools I need to make sure I am healthy for myself and my future family. She is working with me to accommodate my “sensitive body” so that I get the most out of each workout, each day, which is what she preaches that I deserve. 

 If you are looking for a way to lose a quick 10 lbs., Emily is not the girl for you. She will not sacrifice your physical, mental, or emotional health, just for the paycheck, promotion, or notoriety. Emily will help you, guide you, and motivate you to lose those 10 lbs., while giving you the long-term goals to make it happen in a healthy, sustainable way. She is the real deal. She is the shiniest of all the gems. She is the one who will help you change the way you look at yourself.

If you are ready to get started with your own journey, email :