What is a Soul Reading?

Do you feel lost? Are you trying to figure out who you are? Do you need guidance?

A soul reading can help find answers and clarity to these questions and more.

A soul reading is all about awareness of your soul self that your human self cannot access. This version of you, however, is not a version you may know. Connecting with your higher self, or soul self, means connecting with the version of you that is full of positivity, love, and knowingness. Your soul self is not an entity separate from you, but is a part of you. Your soul self is the knowing and awakened part of you that is not weighed down or clouded by ego or judgement. It is through your soul self that deepest truths and hidden knowledge is accessed.

During your soul reading, I will gain access to this version of you and act as a messenger. I will be communicating with your soul self and receiving answers and information that your soul self wants you to know. 

How does a Soul Reading work?

The Preparation

The Reading

The preparation for your soul reading begins 30 minutes before your session with me. During these 30 minutes I will be in meditation, and need no action from you! During my meditation I will connect with your energy and begin the meeting of your soul self. I will receive many different types of information (listed below) and will take the time to get to know what your soul self needs you to hear. 

After I have completed the 30 minute preparation meditation, we will then meet over Zoom and discuss. I will give you a detailed walkthrough of my experience with your soul self. During this reading I will also be able to re-enter your soul self and gain more information on questions you may have during the walk-through.

What kind of information may be received?

The information received from a soul reading is specific to the individual being read and what they need to hear and focus on. Below is a list of information that has been received in past soul readings:

  • Setting 
    • Places, colors, items
  • Atmosphere
    • Current emotions
  • Areas of life that need attention
    • Self love, career, relationships, etc.
  • Areas to be improved
    • Self love, career, relationships, etc.
  • Positive Affirmations
  • Past concerns
  • Current concerns
  • Future concerns
  • Patterns of behavior
  • Messages from Soul Self
  • Advice


Ready to hear from your Soul Self?